Setup Git Repository on GitHub


Mirror Git Repository on GitHub

Set up a (bare) mirror of the source repository:

$ git clone --mirror

To fetch the changes:

$ cd project.git
$ git fetch -q --all -p

Make fetching automatic by installing a cron task:

$ sudo vi /etc/cron.d/sync_git_repos

*/5 * * * * app cd /path/to/project.git && git fetch -q --all -p
*/5 * * * * app cd /path/to/project.git && git fetch -q

*/5 in the last line defines the minute at which the synchronization takes place, for example, */2 would cause the sychronization to take place every two minutes. */5 causes the synchronization to take place on minutes divisible by 5 (5, 10, 15, etc.)

Sync Mirror to Git Repository on GitHub

The easiest way for that is to add a post-receive hook to local repository, it will automatically push to GitHub each time you push to your repository.

If you don’t have a post-receive hook yet, copy the sample over:

$ cp hooks/post-receive.sample hooks/post-receive

This file must be executable!

$ chmod a+x hooks/post-receive

Then add the following lines to hooks/post-receive


git push --quiet origin &

